CCC015: Interview with Beyond the To-Do List’s Erik J. Fisher

I interview a person who is the Social Media Manager at Indiana Wesleyan University, a Podcaster at Beyond the To Do List, and Social Media Correspondent for Podcast Answer Man. He is also the co-author of Beyond the To-Do List: Goals. He is also the master of all things bacon. He is Mr. Erik J. […]
CCC014: 10 Questions to Qualify a Used Car By Phone

In this episode of the Cash Car Convert Podcast I will cover 10 questions you should ask before going to see a used car. To quote the old Yellow Pages commercial, “Let your fingers do the walking.” Do spend your time or gas needlessly. Prequalify each car before you drive to inspect. 10 Questions to qualify […]
CCC013: Tips for Buying a Better Cash Car
CCC012: Think Before You Make That Trade
CCC011: Interview Mobile Mixed’s Greg Hickman

I am excited today to have with us a person who has been involved in mobile since 2005. He has created mobile content for major brands and small startups a like. He’s a mobile marketing consultant, blogger, podcaster, speaker, coach, advisor, and soon to be husband. Since September of 2013, he got engaged, sold his […]
CCC010: What to do With an Underwater Car Loan

I went out and reviewed my Google Analytics stats for my website,, and found that the number one search bringing people to my site had to do with some combination of words having to do with an underwater loan. I was surprised by this given I had only written one article on this subject. […]
CCC009: My New Car Mistake
CCC008: Interview Simple Life Together’s Dan & Vanessa Hayes

About five years ago, husband and wife team, Dan and Vanessa Hayes, decided to forgo the consumer consumption lifestyle that most of us take for granted. Instead of accumulating more stuff, they are now working to edit their lifestyle down to only things they need, love, and use. Click to Listen Both Dan and Vanessa credit […]
CCC007: Interview with Entrepreneur on Fire’s John Lee Dumas

We have John Lee Dumas with us, who had an idea or “AHA” moment and then took massive amounts of action to achieve his dream. John created Entrepreneur on Fire, a 7 day a week podcast. I should note he did this when many podcasting experts said it couldn’t be done. Undaunted John moved forward. Now, […]