Category Archives: Mindset
Why mindset is important.
CCC052: 2014 in Review

The Cash Car Convert show 2014 in review. What a blessed year! What has happened with the podcast? Great guests Pat Flynn John Lee Dumas Rachel Cruze Tom Corley Larry Winget Jaime Tardy Dan Miller Jared Easley Steve Stewart Break throughs: Speaking Podcast Dallas Meetup Podcast South Florida Meetup North Austin Entrepreneur Meetup Podcast Movement […]
CCC051: Essential Biblical Principles for Life
CCC050: Steve Stewart from MoneyPlan SOS

Steve Stewart has a great story about the way his journey to financial started. It started with the Rippingtons. Steve was driving in his car and heard the Rippintons being played on a radio station. Being a jazz guy, he decided to hang on through he break and see what else they had to offer. Much to […]
CCC049: Cliff Ravenscraft and His Journey to becoming the Podcast Answerman

On this episode of the Cash Car Convert, I have the pleasure of having the one and only Cliff Ravenscraft. The Podcast Answerman. What a journey Cliff has had. In December 2005, Cliff Ravenscraft, together with his wife, Stephanie, founded the Generally Speaking Production Network ( Since then, he has produced over 3,200 of his […]
CCC048: Worried about Student Loan Debt? Why not Auto Debt?

If you turn on the news on any given day, you have a good chance of hearing about the epidemic of student loan debt. You will hear about a generation losing their ability to borrow for cars, homes, or furnishings. I share the concern over student loan debt, it is a problem. I see a larger problem. […]
CCC047: Rey Brown from Smartphones Made Easy

Rey Brown from Smartphones Made Easy was kind enough to join the Cash Car Convert show for an interview. Rey has worked in the wireless/Smartphone industry for about 10 years. He has extensive knowledge of the workings of all the major carriers. He also has spent a great deal of time exploring the apps that […]
CCC046: Financial Mentor Todd Tresidder

One of the people I planned to meet at FinCon14 was Todd Tresidder. Mission accomplished! Todd has an amazing story. He went from being a high school entrepreneur and mechanic to hedge fund manager. He found himself “retired” at age 35 after selling the hedge fund business he was a partner in. This was in 1998. […]
CCC045: #FinCon14 Live Broadcast with Jared Easley (@JaredEasley)

After my road trip to FinCon14. I recorded this episode, interviewing my friend Jared Easley, at FinCon 14 in New Orleans. FinCon14 is a financial bloggers conference. This is my first trip to FinCon. At this conference, bloggers and podcasters get together to socialize and build a community around helping people with their personal finance. All financial […]
CCC044: #FinCon14 Road Trip

My road trip to FinCon14. As I record this episode, I’m on I49 in Louisiana on my way to New Orleans. FinCon14 is a financial bloggers conference. This is my first trip to FinCon. At this conference, bloggers and podcasters get together to socialize and build a community around helping people with their personal finance. All […]