I’m a cash car convert. What else am I?
I am a disciple of Jesus. I am happily married to a great woman who makes me a better me. I am the father of two grown sons, one four year old daughter, and one grandson. All of them bring great joy to my life. I have worked in the computer industry for over 30 years. Lastly, I love cars.
I have owned 20 vehicles over the last 40 years, not including those purchased for a spouse or child, each purchase has taught me something about the process of buying and selling cars. I have come to believe people spend too much on their cars and put their families future at risk going in debt. I see too much belief in the old myth that “I will always have car payments, so I might as well drive something nice.”
I shaped many of my opinions about why cash cars make sense by reading both Dave Ramsey and Dr. Thomas J. Stanley. Dave Ramsay showed me “Debt is dumb.” While Dr. Stanley showed me what most millionaires really look like. My life is much better for having discovered these two men. There are many others who have help shape my thoughts and they will be introduced as I write my blog posts.
While I learned about the danger of debt recently, I learned how to buy good used cars through nearly 40 years of trial and error. I believe I know how to find good inexpensive used cars and I can help others do the same. Freeing them to kick auto debt to the curb.
Come back and visit my site as I continue to build it and make it better day by day. I plan to have a new blog post or podcast on a weekly basis.
How to Contact Me:
To contact me, please send an e-mail to james@cashcarconvert.com.
Thank you for visiting and come back soon.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.