Monthly Archives: July 2014
CCC036: Update on a Listener’s Question and How Growth Happens

In this episode, I provide an update on a listener question, how growth happens in uncomfortable moments, my new podcast logo and why it is changing, my new book coming at the end of July, my current speaking schedule, and a PDF gift for subscribing to my website. I provide an update to mbundy82’s, Matt Bundy, […]
CCC035: Answering a Listener Question, Craigslist Changes and More

In this episode, I discuss a listener question, Craigslist, CARFAX, my current speaking schedule, my new book coming at the end of July, and a PDF gift for subscribing to my website. I answer a question by a listener. Listener mbundy82 left me a rating and review, but also a question. I answer it in this […]